Friday, November 6, 2020

Four Years Later. And the Meaning of Remembrance Day.

Heroes fight fascism. They don't equivocate. They don't both-sides-it. They don't groom it with curated language to make it palatable enough to shove down our throats. 

They fight it. 

This Remembrance Day, after a hellish four years of supporting and encouraging my American friends not to succumb to the fascism that was at their door, the bravery of those heroes is suddenly, vividly, clear to me. 

With the strife boiling now in the USA some are asking if the fight is worth it. So let's begin with Tommy Douglas who defines our enemy beautifully:

 "Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege."  -Tommy Douglas

Tommy Douglas is voted The Greatest Canadian - Learn Why

It's breathtaking how the lies they spouted back then are the same lies they spout now. Taxpayers have the right to determine where and how their tax dollars will be used and have a say in their destiny. Which upsets fascists. How many decades do we have to hear the lie before we realize we already know the ending of this movie?

The past four years have taught me that comfort, peace and security has its dangers. Complacency is the enemy. As long as they keep chipping away at our democracy, the more we have to remain alert and active to hold onto it. The USA has prevailed. This time. We have to learn from their experience. Do your research. Challenge what you're told online. Look things up. Get the history behind the issue to see the full picture. Above all, test what you've heard or read by examining the fruit of the declaration. Did it lead to a better life for people or did it cause harm or did it stall the progress of the majority for the benefit of the minority? Ask! Don't take my word for it. 

And at the end of the day, when you feel overwhelmed by the clanging gongs on social media, watch this:

Henry V - St. Crispin's Day Speech

Heroes gave everything to fight fascism and win for me a soft, comfortable life. I owe it to them to wake up and fight in my corner for the generation to come. 

Suit up. Swords at the ready. 

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