Friday, March 27, 2020

Flatten the Curve!

Happy Friday, my fellow social distancing Canadians!

It's hard to believe that a mere two weeks ago on Friday the 13th, we all raced out to stock up on supplies and hunkered down in our homes to FLATTEN THE CURVE.

It's working, guys. Maclean's posts updates in a handy graph which I check somewhat obsessively:

The green line on the world graph is bending. That's us. We have to stay the course to beat this mutha, give our healthcare workers some breathing room, and soon we'll get our lives back on track.

If we get impatient, piss around and act stupid, we'll lose the battle and wind up back in the trenches economically and physically. Crawling out at that point will be really fucking hard.

So take a breath (because you still can) and settle in for another week with books or journaling or painting or learning a musical instrument or a language. There are so many things to do that we couldn't do when we're working full time. Seize this opportunity!

Tune into the good news stories and tune out the voices that say this virus is no big deal and none of this is necessary. It is necessary and we will pay the price of losing this battle in prolonged economic hardship and death.

We're going to flatten the curve with social distancing, 14 day voluntary quarantine, frequent handwashing, and limiting our trips to stores. We are not going to get sick through stupidity or carelessness.

This affects all of us. Every Canadian from the newest of the new to those who can trace their ancestry on this land back thousands of years.

This is a war and we are warriors.

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