Saturday, May 21, 2011

The fun to be had when you leave the house!

Good Daughter's 2nd Year animation project was screened at the NFB last Thursday in Montreal. Of course, I was there. Her film was the best of the 79 or so shorts screened. I'm not just saying that because I birthed her. Really. I'm not.

Here's the proof.

In addition to Concordia's Animation Film Festival, Good Daughter and I hiked Mount Royal, watched The King's Speech on her computer, ate croissants whilst strolling the tulip-festooned boulevards, found a cheap greasy spoon, and toured Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal.

The First Emperor of China Exhibit is humbling. The age of some of the exhibits boggle the mind. I found the exquisite artistry in each of the pieces touching. Just think of it---an unknown artist centuries ago, probably a slave, poured all of his skill and his heart into pieces that he believed would be buried with the Emperor for all time. And there I was in 2011 admiring that artist's work.

The exhibit's focus was the accomplishments of the Emperor but I couldn't stop thinking about the artists, the sculptors and craftsmen who brought the Terracotta Army to life. The Emperor was just the egomanical catalyst--the artists were the real givers of joy and life.

THIS JUST IN: I've joined Absolute Write. After my previous post swearing I would RESIST.... I did not resist. I joined. Caved. Collapsed like a Montreal bridge.

ALSO JUST IN: The River Bride is coming along beautifully if I do say so myself.  The big crunch is on to have a clean draft ready for September 1.

And spring is here. The flowers and birds and the greens and yellows are ahhh.

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