I woke to this very welcome email from the (now) lovely people at iTunes Legal/Notices.
Nadine Doolittle
Jul 22 (2 days ago)
to Erin
Hello Erin,
Can you confirm if any progress has been made on removing this title from iTunes Store?
The rights have reversed to me. I have since republished it and cannot promote or sell the book with this previous edition still being offered for sale on iTunes--in direct violation of its copyright. The literary agent for this work hasn't received a statement of earnings from iTunes nor has the original publisher.
What is going on? Why the delay?
iBooks Store Notices
7:39 PM (11 hours ago)
to me
Hi Nadine,
We will be removing this title from the store today.
iBooks Store Notices
8:17 PM (10 hours ago)
to me
Hi Nadine,
i can confirm that the book has now been removed. If you still see the book, it may be a caching issue which will resolve itself within the next few hours.
I can stop muttering incantations of doom every time I see a Watch commercial! My teeth will stop grinding in my head! I am filled with love for all things Apple! A reservoir of good will toward all men has been opened in my bosom!
(I never hold a grudge because grudges take work to nurse and I'm too lazy.)
Thank you iTunes! Have a great day!
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