Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am launching...

Today is the first day of my blogging life.

I like this Blog Host whoever they are. This was not stressful.

I had a website but it disappeared. Since I prefer to read what other writers are doing and saying, and how their writing life is going, and as I rarely visit websites anymore, I thought: Hey! A blog might be the thing for me too.

Day One of This Writer's Life went something like this:

Put 300 page manuscript on thumb drive.
Drove to Bureau en Gros to have printed.
One hour and $40 later, picked up mss.
Drove to Canada Post, bought oversized bubble mailer.
$50 later, mss is off to London, England to be perused by agent.
Shell shocked and weak, I drive home to eat salt and vinegar chips
and drink tea. Channelling my inner Brit.

Decide to set up blog to ward off feelings of inadequacy.



  1. Congratulations! On the manuscript's flight over the Atlantic and on the blog!

  2. Ah, yes... those pervasive feelings of author-inadequacy, eternally lurking just beyond the page or screen. And so few ticks on the yardstick of 'success' by which to measure our progress or lack thereof. Sadly too familiar to me.

    Good on you for channeling your inner Brit. If we don't celebrate each minor achievement along the road, we may never celebrate our writing life at all.

    Jayne Barnard
